StabiAlert system in combination with Omnidots
“Buildings, bridges, dikes, and tunnels are objects we must be able to rely 100% on. In case there is something wrong, we want to know as soon as possible. We use our StabiAlert system for this. In addition, we combine our system with the Omnidots solution. ”
Omnidots near railways and during construction work
“Omnidots provides a new generation of accelerometers. They are easy and quick to install, are web-based, and have a good monitoring range from low-frequency to high-range accelerations. The software support is easily accessible, and the products are easy to use.
As CEO at StabiAlert, I use Omnidots products in addition to our tilt meters and, where necessary, for SBR monitoring, mostly in buildings. We have used the Omnidots solution for objects along railways in relation to the consequences of train passages and during construction work for monitoring adjacent structures.
For the monitoring along the railroad track, monitoring is currently being carried out in relation to the SBR. Train passages certainly also cause low-frequency waves, which are not or hardly measured by the older generation of accelerometers, but which the SWARM does measure. In projects, in combination with tilt meters, we also monitor vibrations according to SBR using accelerometers. In those projects, we use a SWARM for SBR-based vibration monitoring and a tilt meter for monitoring damage.
In working with Omnidots, I find the simplicity of mounting the products, setting the web page, and setting alarms and reports very useful. The projects in which we used Omnidots products were completed to the satisfaction of our customers.
The people at Omnidots are great colleagues!”

Benefits of working with Omnidots' solution
For StabiAlert, these are the main advantages of working with Omnidots: